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  • 2024-09-07
  • 星期六
  • 18:01

How is compensation scope scheduled for each sewage treatment plant and how is compensation funding proportioned?

  1. Dihua Plant and Neihu
    1. Level-1 compensation area: based on topography of plant, a range of 9 times of the plant area within an equal radial distance from the plant circumference is the level-1 compensation area; compensation amount is 50% of the local compensation fund for the plant.
    2. Level-2 compensation area: a range of 25 times of the plant area within an equal radial distance from the plant circumference, excluding that of Level-1 area, is the Level-2 compensation area; compensation amount is 30% of the local compensation fund for the plant.
    3. Local administrative districts: Each plant will compensate the district office(s) of the compensation area at 20% of the local compensation fund.
  2. Bali Sewage Treatment Plant:
    1. Using center of the site as center of circles, compensation areas are defined as follows:
      • Level-1 Compensation Area: The circle of a 300m radius.
      • Level-2 Compensation Area: The circle of a 600m radius, excluding the Level-1 area.
        However, for an estimated daily treatment amount (or an average daily amount of the previous year) exceeding 500,000t/day, circle of a 1,000m radius is used.
        The above compensation areas do not include areas of ocean or river. Boundary of Level-1 Compensation Area is defined on the basis of single land number; a land covering both Level-1 and Level-2 is treated as of Level-1; a land crossing the outer boundary of Level-2 is treated as of Level-2.
    2. Proportional allocation of Sewage Treatment Plant Compensation Payment is as follows:
      • Level-1 Compensation Area: 60% of the total amount of compensation fund of the public sewage treatment plant.
      • Level-2 Compensation Area: 40% of the total amount of compensation fund of the public sewage treatment plant.
        For compensation areas involving 2 or more district offices, compensation will be allocated based on 50-50 weighting of respective registered population and areas.