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  • 2024-09-08
  • 星期日
  • 09:56

New Construction Office's Liugong Green Corridor Pedestrian Environment Improvement Project Wins the 11th Taiwan Landscape Awards

The Liugong Green Corridor Pedestrian Environment Improvement Project, carried out by the New Construction Office of the Public Works Department, Taipei City Government, was awarded the Honorable Mention in the 11th Taiwan Landscape Awards. The award ceremony took place at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park on March 9th, 2024, at 1:30 PM.


The Liugong Green Corridor Pedestrian Environment Improvement Project extends the pedestrian environment improvements from Section 1 to Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road and aligns with the Eastern District Revitalization Project. Its core concept is to create a high-quality, people-centric environment and connect the green corridors in the Eastern District. The project focuses on transforming the areas on the north and south sides of Lane 135, Section 1, Fuxing South Road, as well as the parking area in-between. Through the integration of the southern road, adjustments to road section layouts and a review of the existing infrastructure and accessible pathways, a spacious green plaza now is created in the Eastern District, a vibrant shopping district. This urban transformation includes the use of permeable pavements, sunken green spaces and lighting design, recreating the historical imagery of the Liugong Canal. The result is a pedestrian plaza that prioritizes people, resilience and a sense of intellectual engagement, making the overall pedestrian environment even more user-friendly.


This project site was formerly part of the natural formation of the Da Wan River Channel in the Shangpi area. In 1979, it was integrated into the urban plan as a water channel in the back alley of the Zhongxiao East Road, before being transformed into a parking space in 1985. With the flourishing commercial development of the Zhongxiao East Road, section 3 and 4 of the road emerged as a vibrant commercial area in the Eastern District. As part of Taipei City Government's efforts to improve public spaces and the people-centric environment in the Eastern District and in alignment with the Eastern District Development and Revitalization Project launched by the Department of Urban Development in 2019, street reevaluation and city block reconstruction were carried out. The New Construction Office was responsible for the design and construction of this site, focusing on creating a people-centric pedestrian environment and connecting green corridors in the Eastern District to redefine its longstanding negative perception.


The Liugong Green Corridor Pedestrian Environment Improvement Project integrates roads to connect the belt-like structure of the Liugong Canal, reflecting historical and cultural significance while recreating water imagery and local character. It revitalizes commercial areas by linking businesses and introducing spacious shared plazas. Other enhancements include making facilities more flexible, boosting greenery and creating planting areas. Through diverse activity spaces, it caters to the needs of department stores, neighborhoods and urban settings, fostering connections between the Eastern District's core green corridors and its commercial areas. The project site is situated behind the prominent Far Eastern SOGO - Taipei Zhongxiao Store in the Eastern District, linking to various commercial areas like Liugong Park, Da'an Road, and Dinghao Plaza. On its western side, it borders the Liugonzun Park near Section 1, Fuxing South Road. Once completed, it will seamlessly connect the belt-like core green corridors of the Eastern District, strengthening ties between open areas and the bustling urban commercial areas. Expected to offer a pleasant green environment for leisurely walks, it aims to boost local foot traffic and cater not only to local residents but also to shoppers, tourists and transit passengers, fostering diverse and lively street vibes.