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  • 2024-09-08
  • 星期日
  • 10:05

Two new mural artworks on the new embankment in Taipei are in different styles to draw attention

Spring is here, and so are the new mural artworks on the new embankment in Taipei! There are two completed pieces of lovely and beautiful mural artworks; the first one is located at Section 7, Xinhai Road, Wenshan District, while the second one is next to the rainbow softball field. Different designs, but both are eye-catching! Come and see when you have time!


According to the Hydraulics Engineering Office, designer Wei Yi Huang designed the "Happy Hwa Hsing" piece located at Section 7, Xinhai Road, based on the local history and natural background. In this mural are the Kuan Ming Movie Theater, Kuan Ming Market, which residents have shared memories of, as well as the masked palm civet from local eco-systems. In particular, the local elementary schools hold canoeing activities to promote marine education in Jingmei River, which is why the designer drew the canoeing scene. This new embankment mural artwork shows many local features, and connects with the emotions and memories of the local community.


In addition, the design team of PDD Lab has created a piece with the theme of youth, especially emphasizing the feelings of first love. In the mural artwork, Neihu is a place full of young energy, the whale in the middle represents the faithfulness of love, and on the left side of the mural are the city flower of Neihu, bougainvillea, and the Taiwan blue magpie flying in the sky. One of the blue magpies is waiting in the bougainvillea, while the other is flying towards it, representing the hope and pursuit of love in each other.


The Hydraulics Engineering Office of the Public Works Department, Taipei City Government promotes the New Embankment in Taipei, which is designed by various artists. Not only does it change the stereotypical image of the embankment wall being gray and dull, but it also connects local memories and emotions behind the artworks. Why don't we have fun at the New Embankment in Taipei when visiting the river park, while also getting to know and like Taipei more through the embankment!