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  • 2025-02-19
  • 星期三
  • 03:15

When sewage charges increase due to tap water pipelines leakage will user be exempted from sewage charges?

Refund for households with leakage in water supply 

  1. Households who agreed to reduce water consumption capacity in accordance with the “Guideline for Reduced Water Supply for Household Underground Pipework Leaking” of the Taipei Water Department and confirmed by the Taipei Water Department as water leaking from underground pipelines.
  2. Leaking not falling into the scope of the “Guideline for Reduced Water Supply for Household Underground Pipework Leaking” of the Taipei Water Department but deterimined by the professionals of the Taipei Water Department on the scene that the leaking occurred outside the premises of the household without household sewerage and not drainage to the public sewerage. 

In the event of the aforementioned situations, call the Operation Managemnet Section of the Taipei Water Department (2597-3183, extension 102,105). Under the principle of the user pays, this office will effect refunds in conjunction with the sewerage service.